9's favourite resources .. 9 applauds A B
Whilst in this section I had better do a bit of weblogging of a nine year old's history of travel and wishes. I realise round the world voyages while you are 8 are "spoilt" (so yes I am asking how we as parents could have got more out of them for her)

age 6 - the only time mom let dad and I go on a holiday on our own even though she doesnt like travelling- to disney world from Washington DC- daughter's view : a paradise for princesses - dad's view plastic hell on earth except looking at my daughter's eyes shine

age 8 round the world from DC to Perth to meet 5 cousins: daughter's view did not want to ever leave such a large and happy family of children from 6 to 17, and 2 dogs: parnet's view - oh dear, why couldnt we be living next door if it means that much to our daughter

Oh dear my 9 year old daughter has caught Hillary Duffitis and says Hollywood is the place she most wants to visit in the world.

This raises a serious question - if you as a parent have to fulfil your child's wishes to see Hollywood what on eartn do you do there that helps them discover something they can learn to do oand enjoy through life?

As far as I know, this is the main joy of all tourism; and I will be starting up a survey of which places do the best job in greeting tourists who want to be cross-cultirally moved for l;ife before they leave? Please do stand up -or mail me at wcbn007@easynet.co..uk so we can work out co-publishing spaces worldwide ) for your global village community if you feel it converts tourists into long-term amateur storytelling champions on behalf of your culture or some other lifelong collaboration (co-mentoring or other) benefit relevant to nine year olds up.

Meanwhile I wil be making a free gift offer to all those American Idols who fail to win number 1 at University of the Stars


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